The Story of How I Didn’t Write an Essay About America on Independence Day, and Wrote A Parable, Instead
July 4, 2022
By, David E McCarty, MD, FAASM (but you can call me Dave)
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Normally, when I write an essay, it’s pertinent to something about SLEEP, because that’s all I’ve been thinking about these days (accompanied by the constant music of my family’s endless shrugging shoulders), with the book nearing completion and all.
But this morning, I found my mind drifting to broader topics. It’s Independence Day, and there are flags and hot dogs and fireworks everywhere, but just don’t feel like talking about it.
I mean. I’m a veteran. I love this country.
But I’m not feeling it.
So, I’m not going to talk about America, during this Independence Day blog post. Instead, I’m inclined to talk about something much more basic. Something we Americans legendarily embrace.
I woke up thinking about a funny little trait called Wisdom.
But I didn’t feel like writing an essay about that, either.
When I woke up this morning, I felt like telling a story. A story about CHOICE, but not the kind that’s in the news right now. This is a story about choice, when it comes down to which Narrative you decide to pay attention to, and how that headspace sometimes makes all the difference.
A story about the endless lenses, through which one can view things. A story about finding the Light, finding the connection between us humans, even if it’s for odd reasons.
And actually, in the telling, I realize it’s not a story at all.
It’s more of a…parable.
So here it is, friends! A parable, specially hand-crafted for you, in beautiful Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
…a little something called:
The Parable of the Woman, the Kitchen, and the Wise One
A Woman went to the Wise One
My Spouse Shall Drive Me Mad
Quoth she
He treats my kitchen like a sty!
He leaves Dirty Utensils everywhere
And Glops Gloppy Coffee Grounds all over the counter
How can I get him to show me
Some R-E-S-P-E-C-T?
Quoth she
The Wise One
(having the advantage of WISDOM—tee hee!)
Knew this:
When the Woman’s Spouse was camping
Away from their home and unseen by her
He’s known as The Neat Freak
So afraid was he
Of Bears
His primary motivation
The Wise One listened to the Woman’s tale with kind eyes
And spake thusly
Bring your Spouse to me
The Woman did as she was guided
The Wise One spoke quietly into the Man’s ear
And then spake aloud
Go, in peace!
Sure enough: A Transformation!
The Kitchen: Spotless!
Miracles still happen!
A month passes
The Woman returns to the Wise One
I must know
Quoth she
I must know what you said
When you spake so kindly
In my Spouse’s ear
The Wise One smiled warmly
And answered thusly
I told him that if he desired Love,
He should always pretend he was camping!
Mmmmmm….hot dogs!
YAY! Wisdom!
Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
July 4, 2022